If the person you love ever asks you the question, “why do you love me,” you might be taken aback at first. After all, love is something that just happens. It is not like you had a checklist that had to be completed before you decided to love this person. And yet, whether you realize it or not, there are reasons that you do love this individual. But you might find it hard to express the reasons that you do love your soul mate. This is why it is great to have a list of reasons why you would love someone. Below is a list of “100 reasons why I love you.” Read the reasons below and see which ones resonate with you and feel true for the person that you are with. You might even feel like every single one of these reasons is applicable to your situation. Even though this person knows that you love them, they still want to know why. What makes them special? Why did you choose them out of all the other people in the world? This is why it is so important to tell the people...