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100 Reasons Why I Love You

If the person you love ever asks you the question, “why do you love me,” you might be taken aback at first. After all, love is something that just happens. It is not like you had a checklist that had to be completed before you decided to love this person.

And yet, whether you realize it or not, there are reasons that you do love this individual. But you might find it hard to express the reasons that you do love your soul mate. This is why it is great to have a list of reasons why you would love someone.

Below is a list of “100 reasons why I love you.” Read the reasons below and see which ones resonate with you and feel true for the person that you are with. You might even feel like every single one of these reasons is applicable to your situation.

Even though this person knows that you love them, they still want to know why. What makes them special? Why did you choose them out of all the other people in the world?

This is why it is so important to tell the people you love that you love them, and why you love them as well. The reasons might even be obvious to you, but they might not realize all of the things they do for you that seem so special and endearing.

Listing the reasons that you love your special someone can be done for no reason at all. Or you can save them for a special occasion, especially something romantic like your anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or even your wedding day.

100 Reasons Why I Love You

1. I love you because you somehow always know exactly the right words to say that will make me feel better. Cheering me up when I am feeling down is just one of your many talents.

2. I love you because you always manage to laugh at my jokes, even when they are not all that funny.

3. I love you because you have always been so supportive of me and my dreams in ways that I could not have imagined.

4. Your support and encouragement has helped me to flourish and to achieve my goals. Without you by side to cheer me on, my successes would not hold the same meaning.

5. I love that I can just be myself with you. I do not have to pretend to be anyone else for you to love me.

6. I love you because you always shower me with a certain tenderness and affection that makes me feel like the most loved person in the world.

7. I love you because when you hold my hand or when I am in your arms, I feel as if I am in the safest place in the world. When I am with you, I feel like I am protected.

8. I love you because the way that you look at me makes me feel so special that I still get butterflies in my stomach sometimes from it. You look at me like I am the only person in a room full of people.

9. I love you because the idea of growing old with you fills me with so much excitement and happiness.

10. I love you because you have such a special ability to see the good in everyone and in every situation.

11. I love you because you are not afraid to open up to me about your feelings, both the good and the bad things. I love that you can easily trust me with how you feel, no matter what it is.

12. I love that you have seen me when I was at my very worst and at my weakest and most vulnerable, yet you chose to draw me even closer to you. You did not run away, instead, you held me closer to you.

13. I love you because you are always inspiring me to be a better person each and every single day. You make me want to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Without you, I would not be as motivated to make this happen.

14. I love you because you are not afraid to be your true self around me. I know and love the real you, the version of you that exists behind closed doors where it is just you and me alone together.

15. I love you because whenever I am with you, it is like we are in our own special little world together where nobody else exists.

16. I love you because the world is a much better place with you in it. Your kindness, your bravery, your compassion, and your generosity are just a few of the qualities you possess that make the world so much better with you in it.

17. I love you because you are not like any other person that I have met. There is something about you that is so special and precious. Once I realized that about you, it made me realize how much I care about you.

18. I love you because of all of the thoughtful little things that you do for me. Your gestures make me feel important and special. I appreciate you more than you will ever possibly know.

19. I love you because your hand fits just right with mine. It is the perfect fit for me.

20. I love you because your kisses make me melt, even after all this time that we have been together.

21. I love you because you love me unconditionally, even with all my little flaws.

22. I love you because you are such an amazing husband to our kids. They could have not had a better person for a father.

23. I love you because you have given me so many priceless memories that I will always cherish, and you continue to give me many more memories to treasure.

24. I love you because you have always treated me like an equal.

25. I love you because you value my opinion, even when we do not always see eye to eye on everything.

26. I love you because you always make time for me. No matter how busy or crazy life can get, you always have time for our relationship.

27. I love you because we can stay up late together just talking about anything and everything. I never have a boring conversation with you.

28. I love you because you treat my family as if they were your own family. And you also get along so well with my friends.

29. I love you because of the incredible life that you and I have built together. Every memory, step, and journey taken with you means so much to me and all of it would not have the same meaning if you were not a part of it.

30. I love you because you are such a confident and courageous person. These are qualities of yours that I really admire and find attractive. I know that you can do anything that you put your mind to.

31. I love you because you have always refused to give up on me, even when there have been times that I felt completely ready to give up on myself.

32. I love you because you know how to kiss me and touch my body right. Our bodies are just perfect for each other and you always know just what to do with my body.

33. I love you because you allow me to be myself. I do not have to change who I am for you and I am so grateful that you like me just the way that I am.

34. I love you because you understand me so well and you make an effort to make me happy.

35. I love you because you have never allowed any distance to get between us or separate us. No matter how far apart we are, my heart is always with you and your heart is always with mine. And I love that I never have to worry about that.

36. I love you because whenever I am with you, I feel like anything in this world is possible.

37. I love you because you have such a wonderful way with words and that includes when you are expressing your love to me.

38. I love you because you make me feel good about myself. You know how to make me feel confident and strong.

39. I love you because you have taught me so much about myself and about life. There is so much that I did not know before I met you.

40. I love you because I can always talk to you about anything. I do not have to worry about your reaction and if you will judge what I have to say.

41. I love you because you understand me. From the way my mind works to the little things that make me tick, you just get me.

42. I love you because out of all of the other people in this world, you still chose me. The fact that you chose me makes me feel like the luckiest person in the whole wide world. To know how much you wanted me makes me feel so special and loved.

43. I love you because you make me feel like I am enough. I do not have to try too hard to impress or please you because who I am is enough for you.

44. I love you because you give me my personal space when I need it. No matter how much I love you, you know that sometimes I just need to unwind by myself.

45. I love you because you stay true to who you are. No matter how much things have changed over the years, you are still the same person inside.

46. I love you because I can be completely weird and goofy with you in a way that I cannot be with anyone else.

47. I love you because we have our own language together and our own memories and inside jokes.

48. I love you because you have the magic ability to make me smile for absolutely no reason at all. Your presence alone is enough to make me break out into a huge grin.

49. I love you because ever since you came into my life, I laugh harder, smile more, and cry a lot less. You have been good for me.

50. I love you because your hugs, kisses, and warm embrace bring me so much comfort and happiness to me.

51. I love you because when I find myself feeling sad, I am at least comforted because I know that you will do anything that you can to make the pain go away.

52. I love you because you still blow me away and give me butterflies even after all the time that we have been together.

53. I love you because your soul is the perfect companion for my soul. That is why you are the only companion that I want to walk through life with.

54. I love you because you are always quick to stand up for me and defend me, especially when I need it the most. I love that I never have to question your loyalty to me.

55. I love you because of how easily you can finish my sentences sometimes. It is like you know exactly what I am thinking or sometimes it even feels like we share the same thoughts before we even say them out loud.

56. I love you because of the times that you know exactly what I am thinking or what I am about to say before I can even get the words out. That is how well you know me.

57. I love you because you can talk to me for hours and never get bored with me. I never have to worry if you will get tire of me because we are like the same person.

58. I love you because you have shown me love like nobody else has ever done before. It is like I did not fully know what love was before you came along.

59. I love you because you inspire me and make me feel so much passion.

60. I love how you are still affectionate with me when we are out and in front of other people. You are not afraid to hold my hand, to kiss me, or to call me affectionate names.

61. I love you because you are not only my lover, you are my best friend in the whole world. You are the first person I want to celebrate with during the good times and the first person I want to turn to when times are hard.

62. I love you because it is so easy for you to make me laugh. Sometimes it is because you are being funny and other times I laugh because I just enjoy your presence so much.

63. In our time together, you have managed to make me chuckle, and sometimes you have even made me clutch my sides from giggling so hard.

64. I love you because we can sit in silence together and things do not get uncomfortable or boring even when it is quiet and nothing is going on. I just love being around you, even when we might not be doing anything.

65. I love you because we have so many great memories together that we share. All of our shared memories have brought us closer and have made us stronger. I cannot wait to make even more memories with you.

66. I love you for absolutely no reason at all. I just love you and that is all. Sometimes, love does not need to have a special reason. It just exists.

67. I love you because being with you has brought me closer to God.

68. I love you because you encourage me to be positive and to see the good in things.

69. I love you because of the sacrifices that you have made for me and for our relationship. The things you do for me never go unappreciated or unnoticed.

70. I love you because you have always stuck with me through the thick and thin.

71. I love you because you are more than enough for me. You make my heart feel so full.

72. I love you because you are my biggest dream come true. You are better than any prince in any fairytale that I could have ever hoped for. You are the real deal.

73. I love you not because you are perfect inside and out, because you are not. But you are perfect for me and that is all that matters.

74. I love you because I know that I can trust you with anything, whether it is a secret or my own heart.

75. I love you because I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would even be like without you. I could never go back to how things were before I met you. My life just would not be the same.

76. I love you because you have such a strong love for life that has made me view the world in a completely different way than I used to.

77. I love you because you are so cute and adorable that I could never resist loving you. From the charming way you smile, to the way you laugh and the little mannerisms that you have, it is just impossible to not love you.

78. I love you because you are not afraid to take risks. You put yourself out there and I admire that so much.

79. I love you because you want to know everything about me, including every little boring detail and memory. While most people would be bored by every detail of my life, you always want to know everything that there is to know about me.

80. I love you because you are not afraid to be real with me and tell me the truth, even when it is not always something that I want to hear.

81. I know that you will stand up to me when it is necessary even when it is not the easy thing to do. Your complete honesty with me is something that makes me love you so much.

82. I love you because you have a crazy sense of humor. When you make me laugh, I sometimes end up laughing so hard that my sides hurt.

83. I love you because one day you just decided to take a chance on me. I do not know exactly what made you decide to do it or what I did to deserve it, but I am always so happy that you gave us a shot. Such a great relationship has come out of it.

84. I love you because you can be so cute, especially when you are not trying. Most of the time you probably do not even realize how cute you are being.

85. I love you because of the way in which you treat other people. You are such a kind person who does not look down on anyone. Your respect and patience for the other people around you is something that makes me love you even more.

86. I love you because you have never been afraid to voice your opinion on things or stand up for the things that you believe in, even when it is not the popular thing to do.

87. You are not afraid at all to let people know what you really think.

88. I love you because you have always put up with me and all of the little things I do that would probably drive any other person completely crazy.

89. I love you because you are good at giving me really great advice when I ask for it. You are such a wise and insightful individual and I really respect and value your opinion on things.

90. I love you because you are such a hard and dedicated worker. When there is something that needs to be done, you give it your best effort.

91. I love you because I know how much you care about my happiness. If there is something that you know will make me happy, you do what you can to make it happen.

92. I love you because you brag about us and how happy you are in our relationship. You are not afraid to tell the world how much our relationship means to you.

93. I love you because even though you are completely drop dead gorgeous on the outside, you are even more beautiful on the inside. And inner beauty is the thing that really counts in a relationship.

94. I love you because you show an interest in my interests and you like to share your interests with me as well. I love that you share this part of your life with me.

95. I love you because you are always my calm in the middle of a storm. I can always count on you to make me feel calm.

96. I love you because you are the only person that has the key to my heart. It is a special key designed just for you and nobody else. You alone have unlocked the way to my heart.

97. I love you because you look so adorable when you sleep. When you are sleeping, you look so calm and peaceful and I just want to kiss you but I get afraid that I will wake you up.

98. I love you because of your strong sense of adventure. I love that you are not afraid to try new things and put yourself out there.

99. I love you because you like to surprise me. All of your surprises, both big and small, never fail to surprise me.

100. I love you because I still feel fireworks going off whenever you kiss me. Your kisses breathe life into me.

101. I love you because you gave me our wonderful, beautiful children. I could not have picked a better person to have children with.

102. I love you because you have treated me like a queen from day one. You spoil me and make me feel special and I love that you give me all of the love that you think I deserve.

103. I love you because we are always quick to make up after a fight and you always make an effort to smooth things over between us.

104. We can never stay mad at each other for too long because we love each other way too much to stay angry.

105. I love you because you still sleep in the bed with me, even though I am a terrible sleeper who is always moving around. But you barely complain because you love me and I love you for that.


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