Yoga is the best fitness regime for your body, heart and mind, Yoga is the best therapy to keep your mind and body calm. Nothing else would help you calm your mind and heart as Yoga does when you are suffering stress and anxiety. Yoga is the practice for a healthy body, mind, soul and heart. So this International Yoga Day 2018, promote Yoga with Yoga Day Messages…
1. ‘You cannot Always Control what goes on Outside,
But you can Always Control what goes on inside…’
**Best Wishes for International Yoga Day**
2. Yoga Teaches Us to cure what need not be Endured and Endure what cannot be cured.
Wishing You
**Happy International Yoga Day**
3. Yoga is Like Music.
The Rhythm of the Body,
The Melody of the Mind and
Harmony of the Soul Creates the Symphony of Life.
!!Have a Good and Healthy World Yoga Day!!
4. Yoga Allows You to Rediscover a Sense of Wholeness on Your Life,
Where you do not Feel like You are Constantly Trying to Fit Broken Pieces Together.
**Happy World Yoga Day**
5. Laughter Yoga Combines Laughter with Yoga Breathing Exercises
It is Perfect Way to Laugh and get Exercise at the Same Time.
It Approaches Laughter as Body Exercise so It’s Easy to Laugh even you are Depressed or in a Bad Mood.
!!Have a Laughing International Yoga Day!!
6. Yoga is the Setting of the Mind into Silence. When the Mind has Settled,
We are established in Our Essential Nature, Which is Unbounded Consciousness.
Our Essential Nature is Usually Overshadowed by the Activity of the Mind.
**Happy World Yoga Day**
7. When the Breath Wanders the Mind also is Unsteady
But when the Breath is Calmed the Mind Too will be still, and the Yogi Achieves Long Life,
Therefore, one should learn to Control the Breath.
!!Happy International Yoga Day!!
8. A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves. ---------Wishing you a very Happy Yoga Day--
9. Yoga is about awakening.
Yoga is about creating a life that brings more beauty and
More love into the world.
!!Make your life Beautiful on this International Yoga Day!!
10. Sun salutations can energize and warm you,
Even on the darkest,
Coldest winter day.
**Let this Yoga Day energize your life throughout the year**
11. When you inhale,
you are taking the strength from God.
When you exhale,
it represents the service you are giving to the world.
--My best wishes for World Yoga Day--
12. You cannot always Control
What goes on Outside,
But you can Always Control
What Goes on Inside
"Best Wishes for International Yoga Day”
13. Laughter Yoga Combines Laughter with Yoga Breathing Exercises
It is Perfect Way to Laugh and get Exercise at the Same Time.
It Approaches Laughter as Body Exercise
So it’s Easy to Laugh even you are
Depressed or in a Bad Mood…
“Have a Laughing International Yoga Day”
14. “Yoga is not about Touching Your Toes.
It’s about Unlocking Your Ideas about what You want,
Where You Think You can Go,
And How will You Achieve
when You get there”.
**Happy International Yoga Day**
15. Yoga is a Light,?
which once Lit,
will Never Dim,
the Better Your Practice,
the Brighter the Flame.
**Great Wishes for International Yoga Day**
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